Cinemas of the East Bohemian Region

Cinemas of the East Bohemian Region

04/12/2024 - 31/1/2025
(foyer & Bio Central café)

The National Film Archive invites you to the exhibition of the Cinema of the East Bohemian Region at Bio Central in Hradec Králové. Do you want to know how the shape of cinemas in the region changed during the 20th century? Through historical and contemporary photographs, we will take you on a tour of cultural houses, sokoloven and especially the variously adapted spaces that were used for screenings. It was rare for cinema buildings to be built for one purpose.
Examples of functionalism, socialist realism or the Brussels style are presented side by side in a visual confrontation. The chosen combination is thus a varied mix reflecting not only the development of artistic approaches, but also the historical and political background of the turbulent 20th century.
Examples of cinemas built during the last century are complemented by adaptations and transformations from recent years. They are a testament to contemporary approaches to cultural heritage and illustrate how the original architectural content can be preserved or taken in a new direction.

You can leave your memory of one of the original twelve cinemas in Hradec Králové in the café.
Which cinema was your favourite? Which inaccessible film did you secretly go to? Did you cry when the bandits shot the Indian chief? Have you ever been on a date at the diner above Central? And how much did it cost to see Eskimo in the theater?
Your memories will be collected and archived for posterity.

Exhibitions at Bio Central are financially supported by the Hradec Kralove Region. Thank you.